Vanessa Ko

Vanessa is an editor of the blog.

46 Posts
2104 Claps
Key with a price tag.
3 mins

Conti: The most dangerous ransomware gang

We explain Conti, the ransomware group that has crippled Costa Rica, U.S. healthcare networks, and major companies.
A teddy bear, a padlock, and a windup car.
1 min

Our TikTok series: Explaining VPNs with toddler toys

Watch our short videos—and follow us!
A password made up of globes.
5 mins

Most common passwords around the world 2024

Weak passwords are a problem everywhere—they just come in different forms. Check out our visualization.
Dog's head with dollar signs for eyes.
2 mins

Google takes a step to stop puppy scams

Many have turned to dogs for companionship during the pandemic—and many have been scammed by online sellers. Now, a lawsuit aims to fight the fraud.
A laptop with an anarchy symbol.
2 mins

Explainer: Lapsus$ hacking group

Talented (suspected) teenagers on a hacking rampage have been announcing their cyberattacks on Telegram. Read on.
A birthday cake made up of code with candles.
1 min

Quiz: What is your technological age?

Take our quiz and we'll tell you how old you are based on your tech use, knowledge, and attitudes.
Banner with globe and lock.
1 min

Safety resources: Stay secure amid oppression

We’ve compiled past blog posts we think are most relevant for people living through challenging circumstances.
How To Delete Facebook
7 mins

Delete Facebook account instantly and permanently in 2024

Ready to say goodbye to Facebook for good? This guide will teach you how to permanently delete your account.
Delete Google and Gmail
4 mins

How to delete your Gmail account permanently

Sick of the spam? Tired of Google harvesting your data? This article will tell you how to remove your Gmail and Google accounts permanently.
Film strip with a broken heart turning into a heart.
1 min

Flowchart: Which movie should you stream this Valentine’s Day?

Spend February 14 watching a movie about love—and let our flowchart pick one for you.

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